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Timing Is Everything in Facebook Videos

Facebook Video Iron House Studios

You’ve heard the phrase “timing is everything.” That’s true whether you’re driving, taking a test, hitting a baseball, trying to make an audience laugh, finishing tasks at work, or producing a high-quality video. Iron House Studios explains why timing is everything in Facebook videos that showcase your brand’s identity in a B2B video, brand video, or ad narrative.

Facebook Video Length

Facebook videos shouldn’t be more than 60 seconds long. That’s because Facebook users watch one video and then quickly move to the next one in their feed. Your prospective customers and target audience may have several videos to watch on their lunch break. Customers watch your videos on a mobile device in between tasks, sitting in a cafe, or on the way to the office. They don’t want to spend even two minutes on a single video. Your brand has to get its point across in under a minute, and Iron House Studios can help you do that.

Attention Span

Younger crowds, those ages 18 to 24, spend 75 percent less time watching a Facebook video ad compared to users 65 and older. What’s 25 percent of 60 seconds? That’s 15 seconds. If you’re targeting a Facebook video to a younger crowd, you should edit it down to just 15 seconds. We shoot several minutes of footage and get to the heart of your message in very small chunks of time. Trust us. Iron House Studios can turn your brand’s message into a 15-second snippet that wows younger audiences.

Imagery in the First Few Seconds

Users watch a whopping 85 percent of Facebook videos without sound. That means you need to capture your audience with images in the first few seconds if you want to keep them engaged with your content. Our staff has a keen eye for visual elements of a video if you wish to show your employees working, having fun, or spending time with their families. Images at the beginning of Facebook videos can make a heartfelt impression that motivates your audience to keep watching and listening.

Facebook Videos From Iron House Studios

Iron House Studios specializes in producing emotional, trustworthy videos that get to the heart of your brand’s messaging. Facebook videos represent one way we accomplish this for your company or organization. Call (812) 363-3802 or contact Iron House Studios for more details.

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